Wednesday, June 26, 2013

My poor baby!

Hey! Well yesterday my cat had a procedure to remove a tumor! The surgeon says it's something he's never seen! He's been doing it for years and he has never seen anything like her. Well, they couldn't remove it all, but they removed enough to be biopsy. I picked her up today. And I got her in the car. She moved enough for me to see all her incision sites and well I wanted to break down and cry! After getting the bathroom situated for her she wouldn't stop jumping and it looked as if there was blood on my toilet. So back to the vet I went. After he cleaned it up and explained that the things sticking out was a draining tube it looked a bit better! She goes back Tuesday to have that tube removed! 
Her neck
The major tumor spot! 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

T minus a few days!!!!!

Well this week has been rough. My cat, princess, was dropped off last night for a procedure today. She has a cancerous spot right behind her leg. They vet called today and told me that they couldn't remove it all because of where it is located. Depending on what type of cancer it is they may need to amputate her leg:/. Hoping we will not have to come to that seeing as she is 9 years old. I may be able to pick her up today if she is ok with her leg!
It's the spot between her leg and her hand! 

On a bright note, mac has let me drive his car to go visit his family!! I can't wait to go not much longer! I will be going soon. Spending time with his mom and sister. maybe stopping in to visit his dad, down fall is I don't know how to get where they will be at.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Ups & downs! The emotional roller coaster

Well today after giving both the pups a bath. I went to the nex! I got zoey a new leash and roxy a new collar! Then they both got a new name tag!!! :) 

Then I get home check my email. Well, I'm happy, sad, upset, mad, hating etc. Mac emailed me! I'm happy he did. I'm happy he told me know instead of when he gets home. But I just can't shake this feeling. I know it will be easier but it's like really. A smack in the face. He says that he got put in for another school 3 months after they get back, up to may. It's not approved yet. But it'a in Chicago about 5-6 months long. It's the school he wants to go so by all means I want him to go. But how  am I suppose to feel here?? 

I know it will be easier then this deployment he says he will fly me there etc. 
But I'm lost in emotions right now. Though I'm sure he better go if approved specially since he wants to.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

3 months 1 week!!

This week will mark the 100th day since I was standing near the pier watching him leave. It was a very rough and emotional day. I've had moments where I can't hold the tears. Most days I'm fine but there are still those days I just want to curl up and be left alone. It's hard to believe it's been almost 100 days; sometimes it feels like it's gone by so fast, other times it feels as if it is going by so slow. I wouldn't change anything we have gone through during this deployment. It has only made us stronger. I can't wait until your home again.

It's final week of classes this week! All papers are turned in. I just have a two part final to complete. I have planned a weekend visit to meet my in-laws and sister-in-law :). I am physically drained right now. This weekend will be catch up on sleep. Next weekend will be visit the husbands family :)!!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

3 months!!

I've missed a few weeks somewhere! So since the last time I blogged, I was fighting bronchitis. I have gotten a new tattoo. Facetimed with mac, finishing up the quarter of class, working, and planning a visit to see mac's family :).  I have also tried making a cake in a jar!!!! Really excited about that!!! As I'm an admin of a Facebook page called A Sailor's Delight. Be sure to check it out:
A Sailor's Delight

Below are photos from over the weeks I have missed.....


Cake in a Jar!!!

Feeling better finally!

My cat has finally came downstairs and just laid around. I have had her for 8 years and moved 3 times with her. Never came out of the bedroom of downstairs. Now you could never tell! I'm really excited about that!! 

My tattoo!! Love with a hint of domestic violence/sexual assault ribbon!
Never can speak strong enough for it! 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Memorial weekend...

It's a time to remember our a troops! Well this Memorial Day was extremely hard.

*(My open heart/emotion post )*

 This past weekend was nice(end of may) & got me thinking. I have always thanked the troops for what they have done. But this past Memorial Day I have a HUGE reason to see it differently. Growing up, I didn't have parents in the military. I never experience anything they go through first hand, I just knew they risked their lives. While dating Mac I started to see a bit more. Now married to him, I see a lot more first hand. I never truly knew or at least completely registered the sacrifices they make, like leaving family and friends when duty calls. So with all this being said I want to make one more big THANK YOU to all our armed forces men and women and their families for ALL their sacrifices to protect our freedom.