This week has been rough and it only half way! man oh man! I really am starting to hate work. The way the treat me is unbelievable. quitting is right around the corner. As it's only Wednesday still half way to go through the week!
Well it's Thursday! Wednesday night I received some bad news. And I knew my husband would call Thursday morning. well he did right as I am called back for an appointment. I had to answer it and tell him I love him and I'm here for him. And few other things. then let him know I had to go to this appointment and would be done within an hour. Now I'm waiting. waiting for another phone call.
the life a military spouse. I feel so helpless. He has told me he feels broken and torn up inside.(in less than 3 weeks, he has lost two family members)
Well my hubs has received both second and third care package little out of order but hey. It is nice for him to get those after everything. The week comes to end tonight. that meaning one more week down!